Compilation of Powerful Catholic Deliverance Prayers

In this issue of the Totus Tuus, Maria email newsletter, we share with you a compilation of some of the best and most powerful Catholic deliverance prayers. These prayers, approved and officially endorsed by the Church, will help you deliver and protect yourselves from the attacks of Satan.

Prayer to Vanquish Satan and His Agents
This is a powerful prayer against evil - a prayer taught by Our Lord Himself to the visionary Barnabas to vanquish Satan and his agents.

Prayer to Renounce the Works of Satan
This is a powerful prayer to renounce the works of Satan.

Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses
This is a powerful prayer for breaking curses given by the Lord Jesus Himself to the visionary Barnabas from Nigeria.

Prayer for Refuge in the Sacred Side of Jesus
This is a powerful prayer for refuge in the Sacred Side of Jesus Christ.

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