The Role of Mary in the Formulation of the Apostles Creed

By Jose Ma J Fernandez

While looking at possible sources for a likely article on the various versions of the Apostles Creed – mainly the original Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed – one particular common thread kept coming up, even in articles written by varying shades of theologians and spiritual writers. Almost to a man, they agreed on the Apostolic roots of the original Creed, attributing each of the articles to particular Apostles, and reporting that the process was most likely inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Then, one writer or commentator mentioned a chapter in the book, The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mother Mary of Agreda, a visionary who was blessed with having been able to “see” entire episodes in the life of Our Lord from the perspective of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This chapter – which I remembered reading some time back since I have the book and have used it for spiritual reading on occasion – did, indeed, contain the time when the Apostles laid down the foundations of what we now know as the Creed. Click here to read the rest of the article.

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