Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?
by Arthur Policarpio
Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
What will happen if one day, a massive scientific study suddenly uncovers the bones of Jesus – and proves, beyond reasonable doubt, the authenticity of the find?
The world, as we know it, will come crashing down. The greatest “fraud” in history would have been unveiled. The Faith of close to 2 billion Christians all over the world would be shattered. The beliefs of billions of people throughout the ages would have been in vain.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then He is not God. If He is not God, then our Faith is in vain.
Thanks be to God that such a horrific scenario has not, and will not, come to pass – despite futile attempts by some contemporary “scientists” who exert all their efforts to disprove the historical basis of Jesus’ life, death and Resurrection.
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