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A Eucharistic Miracle: Incredible but True! August 06, 2012 |
A Eucharistic Miracle: Incredible but True!Contributed by Nora V. Clemente-Arnaldo I want to share this documented Eucharistic Miracle taken from the book “Miracles of the Eucharist” by Bob and Penny Lord. I hope and pray that this miracle will enlighten us more on the reception of the Body and Blood of the Lord. We should not take It for granted; Holy Communion should instead firm up our belief in the Real Presence of the Lord in the Mass and in the Eucharist. It is said that Zaragoza, from the earliest days of our Church, is a city especially blessed by our Lord Jesus through His Holy Mother Mary and St. James the Apostle. Miraculous events of the most unique kind have been attributed to Zaragoza like the miracle of Our Lady of Pilar in A.D. 40 and the Eucharistic Miracle in 1427.
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