Brown Scapular
by Ed
(Lansing, IL)
QUESTION: I just began wearing a Brown Scapular again this year. I received my first scapular when I made my first Communion in 1964.
The images sewn on the brown wool cloth faded and detached from the wool. I replaced it with another scapular, but the images also separated.
Is it permissible to wear the brown scapular without the images?
ANSWER: It is not so much the physical characteristics of the scapular itself that make it beneficial to wear it, but more the underlying promise of the Virgin Mary to those who wear it. What is more important is the intention of the wearer of the scapular - that by wearing the scapular, you dedicate yourself to the Virgin Mary and to a good Christian life. By having this pure interior intention, you will reap the benefits of wearing the brown scapular - even if the images are worn out.