God on Cross



QUESTION:1. Where do you place or hang in your house Christ on the cross?

ANSWER: We recommend placing the cross and/or any other figure of Jesus Christ in a prominent place where everyone will be able to see him easily. Place it in a relatively elevated position, again for better visibility. Place it also in a place where you and the rest of the family members frequently stay - for example, the living room.

QUESTION:2. Where would you place any saint in your house.

ANSWER: Same as above. Place it in a highly visible location. Although we recommend reserving the most visible and prominent location to Jesus, then after that, to the Blessed Mother. You may place saints in other visible locations (eg, in bedrooms, perhaps), but provided the position of Jesus and the Blessed Mother is more prominent.

QUESTION:3. My parents passed away would it be okay to bring into my house the saints my parents had in their house? Please guide me as to which saint brings the following: love, happiness, financial stability,peace and comfort to a home that has been through so many hardship.

ANSWER: Yes, that is perfectly OK. The choice of a personal "patron saint" is a personal choice, and will really depend on your life conditions, your temperament, and other factors. But if you would like a saint that more or less represents peace, love, happiness, etc. in a home, we can recommend a devotion to St. Joseph. Why St. Joseph? Because he was the foster father of Jesus, and was tasked to help build a home full of love and peace for Jesus and Mary.

thank you.

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