Healing for my sisters
by Estrelia DE Castro
(Abu Dhabi)
1st: My eldest sister Carolina. She is having black marks in her body (pasa). The doctor told her she has little red cell and more on white cell.
2nd: My second sister. She is cancer survivor but having heart enlargement, and pain in her joints. she is always having difficulty in breathing.
3rd: My third sister, who just had chemo theraphy and now under medication.
4th: My paralized sister. She had accident year 1990 and her spinal was damaged. Her husband left her to her son but her son and daughter in-law is treating her badly up to the point that they are beating her.
5th: For my self. Due to the above situation, I'm really in big financial debt. I have no-choice but to take a loan from different banks and take used the credit cards to sustain the operation, chemo theraphy and medication of my beloved sisters.
please pray for the healing completely of my beloved sisters and financial blessing for me even just to cover all my debts. I'm really afraid now that banks will harass me and put me in jail.