by Theresa
Divine Mercy Incarnate Jesus, for the glory of Your Holy name, I beseech Thee, lift the fog from my mind and if anythings clouds me, then let Your magnificence of Your glory surround me as it did You on the day of Your transfiguration. When I struggle to pray and/or articulate thoughts and ideas, grant me the clarity of your words as You are Divine Word Incarnate Jesus. Please protect those in need of Your protection and keep us completely invisible to all Your enemies who are also our enemies. Truly, Savior Jesus, every knee shall bow under Thy Lordship. Deliver us in Your perfect will, timing, and way to green pastures, quiet waters and restore our mind, spirit, and health. In Your mercy, grant favors regarding promotions interviews to Sam and myself. Help Your little children, including this poor pitiful sinner to see and embrace you again and when we can't, embrace us in Thy penetrating Divine Intimacy of perfect Love. Provide for every need and help us to trust in You. Increase Your faith, hope, love in You and may You grant us peace, favor, and rest in every circumstance. In Thy perfect timing, place me in a place of leadership to effect your change and strength to do so. Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, communion of saints and holy angels, protect, pray, and minister to us in leading all souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. All in Thy Holy Name, Merciful Jesus, AMEN.
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