How do I explain to others that Mother Mary was a virgin all her life?

QUESTION: Hello my name is Jeanie. I would please like to ask how to explain to others that Mother Mary remained a virgin all her life.

I tried to explain to my mom that Blessed Mary was virgin all her life, but mom told me she doesn't believe in that because she said it was stated in the bible that Jesus had brothers and sisters (Matthew 13:53-58).

Now it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, that he departed from there. When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said? Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? Were then did this Man get all these things? So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them ?A prophet it not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.? Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief" (Matthew 13:53-58).

I told her that in not believing that Mother Mary remained a virgin all her life was protestant concept, but she doesn't agree with me. Please help me to explain to others about this belief so that they would also understand. Thank you.


ANSWER: Hi Jeanie, please read this good article that about the Perpetual Virginity of Mary. It will help you explain it to your mother:’s-perpetual-virginity

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