i have so much going on i need everyone in the world to pray for me
Please pray for me.
My name is Kimberly. I am 28 years old.
I have big problems with Jealousy and not trusting my fiance.
I am unsure where the problem lies. I have been through alot in my life.
I come from a non Christian home. I am a born again believer yet still have doubts.
I really need alot of prayer. I want to trust and believe God 100% that if the word says it, then it is true!
I want to believe that Gods promises are for me. Its like I cant make myself believe anything. And I always forget Gods love for me. I always forget all the good things he does for me.
I am a mess. I I am unhappy, not thankful as I want to be, not as loving as I want to be, not as caring as I want to be, not as obedient as i want to be.
I live in shame and guilt and pity because of my imperfections and falling short of what a Christian is supposed to be.
I live in guilt and condemnation about my past. I believe everything everyone says about me and question myself.
I seem to have lost all my identity and seem to not realize the loving person that I am on the inside. I am confused alot about what is going on around me. I am confused about what is the truth about things.
I am confused and stressed about why is there all these bad things happening to me and why is there so much evil in this world.
I wish to see the hand behind all the blessings in my life so that I know that it is him and that I can thank him personally.
I pray all the time. I read my bible. I read books about God. Yet, I am still not at peace. I dont have much joy.
I think about my problems alot. I really want out of this thinking mess that I am in and I cannot do it myself.
I need to surrender my all to God and let him take complete control I guess.
I need lots of prayer because I don't know what to do. I don't know where I am in my relationship with God. I need to believe God loves me.
I need to believe my fiance loves me. I need to trust God. I need to trust my fiance.
My whole life is a mess. I really need God to overtake me, pour his love on me and take me over! I can't take this anymore.
This is not living! This is not loving!! I need everything God has to offer!