Let it Be!
by Luis Limjoco
(Richmond, California U S A)
Ten years ago, driving on my way home from work, I was in my deepest depression.
I started to pray to Mother Mary to tell her that I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted to end everything that very moment.
Normally I don't listen to the radio while driving but this time I had the strongest urge to turn on the car radio and as soon as I did... the first line of the song lyrics played.... "when in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom..let it be!"
At that very moment I realized it was her message to me and I felt this heavy weight lift from my my body/spirit.
The feeling was of relief and happiness... the song went on, I listened to every word in its lyrics.
By the time it ended, my life changed and thanked HER for answering my prayer/saving me from disaster!