miracle cures for members of my family, friends and relations
Dear Saint Anthony
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, Jesus, Mary & Joseph, Our Lady Of Knock, Our Lady Of Fátima with all the angles and saints, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Saint Padre Pio, Saint Martin, Saint Anthony, Saint Jude, Saint John, Saint Thomas, Lorna Byrne, Saint Lucia, Our lady Of Lourdes & Saint Bernadette, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint John Paull 11, my Guardian angel with all the angles and saints please intercede with God for me any all my family and extended family, I ask for Gods graces and blessing, for Miracle cures, miraculous recovery back to good normal health for all members of my family, relations, workers, friends and their families people we know also all other people who are suffering from illness, injuries, caught up in diffacult situations, wars, conflict, droughts, famine, sad, lonely, depressed with addictions, homeless, lonely, physical and mental problems and difficulties.
For end to wars, conflict, tension. Help will come to all people in need, ease all out tensions, worries and troubles, grant us all good help, wellbeing peaceful, long, holy happy, health and fulfilled lives
That all members of my family friends and relations including Josie, Carron, Dennis and who have passed away are sitting at the right hand side of the father in heaven, and that we will continue to receive God graces
For miracle recovery back to good health from illness, injuries and depression from
Dear Lord hear my prayers all my family friends, relations, works and their families prayers, help me out, help all members of my family, relations, friends, works, aunts and uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, people we know, people work for, meet and hear about who are suffering
illness, wars, conflict, difficulties, living in poor and bad conditions
Please intercede with Gods and as for his graces and blessing and for Miracle cures and miraculous recovery back to good normal health for all members of my family, relations, people we know and hear about also other people who are suffering but we do not know about them. People with failings and difficulties in their lives.
For miraculous cures and full recovery back to good health from headaches injuries stresses worries and troubles and difficulties that Fr Patrick has and suffers from. For his missionary works, for all his helpers, works and people.
Jesus, Mary & Joseph, Saint Francis of Assisi, Padre Pio, Saint Martin, Saint Anthony, Saint, All the Angles and Saint, my guardian angel, all my family, friends, relations and all other people guardian angles, Please intercede with Gods and as for his graces and blessing and for Miracle cures and miraculous recovery back to good normal health for all members of my family
Please intercede with Gods and as for his graces and blessing and for Miracle cures and miraculous recovery back to good normal health for out sister Mary, Brothers Kevin, Eugene, Patrick, Kevin, Stephen, Michael, Susan Harrison Shelley, Concepta, Tara, Noel, John Christie, Mario, Nigel and his wife and mother, Anglia Gully son also ease the stresses worries and troubles, health difficulties, Christopher, Melanie, Ignatius, Sheila, Tyrone, Ursha and family Theresa Ruddy family and myself and all others who need help. All members of my family, relations, people we know and hear about also other people who are suffering but we do not know about them. People with failings and difficulties in their lives.
Your humble servant