Please pray for my father's recovery to health. Thank you very much
by Ho K S
I very very humbly ask for your prayers for my father's recovery.
My father, Ho Yong Seng has been hospitalized for bacteria infection. After they did a heart CT scan, doctors told us they suspect a vessel near his heart may be torn and leaking blood and they also suspect another vessel or his stomach is also leaking blood.
They offered two options; openheart surgery or stenting. Both of which carry high risks as he is in his 70s already. We have opted not to go for surgery and instead leave all in the hands of our merciful God who alone can bless my family with the miracle we need very desperately. Doctors said if either vessel ruptures, it will be very painful and fast.
Please, please please pray for divine intervention for my father's recovery. Please pray that God will banish the illness and infections from his poor body. Please help pray for my family. I know that all things are possible through God and His healing grace.
My father is on different antibiotics but his appetite is very poor and his condition fluctuates. The doctors asked what is the family's decision if his condition deteriorates, something that may happen. He even had three pints of blood transfusion done. Please pray for his recovery to good health. Thank you very much. God bless you.