by appu v
Dear Sister,
I am facing anxiety,fear ,insecurity,fear of disease very much and its much due to my sins.Please forgive my sins ,the sins of my ancestors and give me peace. Please bless the pregnancy of my wife and bless us with a good god fearing child.Please fullfil our wish to migrate to Canada this year. My current job faces sudden insecurity and i should change to a better job.Please provide me job security and a better job which enables me to clear all debts before i migrate.
My money is deceived by sales executives of an insurance company by offering invalid offers,Please help me to recover that money.
Please bless my brother with good marriage who faces inferiority complex due to his inborn mark in face.Please give him good future.Please bless my mother with happiness,please make her wishes come true and gift my family a healthy happy long life.
thanks for all blessings
appu( kuriakose)
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