by marnie
Question:Since when I'm high school I always admired those nuns and priests as if I'm awed how great are they and how God loves them so much that they have an opportunity to serve Him through His covenant and religious order. I plan to become a nun but I know I'm not qualified to be one because I have sinned before God that staying pure and virgin in the eyes of God. So can I have a chance to become like nuns or any o religious order or maybe to become a lady catholic monks?
Answer: Hi Marnie, God embraces everyone - sinners and holy people alike. Some of the greatest saints - for example, Saint Paul - were sinners before they changed their lives. If God is calling you to become a nun, He will give you the graces you need to sustain you in the vocation, despite your weaknesses.
That being said, the Church has a process for helping religious candidates discern whether they are really being called to a religious life. We suggest you consult a priest, a nun, or the vocation director of your parish, and/or the religious congregation that you are interested in.
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