Saints I knew : Micheal Louis Frias and Carmen Rivera

by Gerardo Vargas
(Los Angeles)

He was a man who suffered from schizoprenia more than half of his life. Yet he was the most devoted servant to Our Lady. Even earning the title of "Our Lady's Favorite."

This man prayed rosaries for any one who needed them. If someone was sick, in need of money or a job, in need of housing, in need of vehicle, ect... he would pray the rosary with you and himself to help obtain what you needed.

Carmen was his early inspiration to help others. She was an elderly woman who lived by herself and took in Micheal when his own family, in fear of his disease, separated themselves from him. His saying with Our Lady was that she is the best lawyer you can ever have. One tear of Our Lady in sorrow for your cause and it was all over.

Jesus Never said no to His Mother and seeing Her in tears would seal the deal in your favor. Micheal was a devoted servant to God and a good friend to all others who came to him for help. Recieving only disability checks every month he gave thousands away over the past two decades. Never asked for a penny in return. He save my life and more importantly, my soul.

He passed away about two months ago at the age of 55.

Mike would tell me, "Jerry there is nothing that God cannot do...Jesus even gave us His Mother at the time of His crucifixion... what more of a clear sign do you need to know how much God loves us..."

" can never out do God in charity, mercy, goodwill and love...if you make His business yours, He make all your business His..."

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Mar 03, 2016
Remember us Mike NEW
by: Gérard Vargas

St. Mike thank you and Carmen for all the
help both of you have given to my family. Remember us Mike... with tears I graciously admit I miss you and Carmen so much. Gracias Santisima Madre por su amor y Los Santos que nos lleva a nosotros cada dia.

Mar 03, 2016
Remember us Mike NEW
by: Gérard Vargas

St. Mike thank you and Carmen for all the
help both of you have given to my family. Remember us Mike... with tears I graciously admit I miss you and Carmen so much. Gracias Santisima Madre por su amor y Los Santos que nos lleva a nosotros cada dia.

Aug 13, 2015
Education NEW
by: Anonymous

Literature review is a process of reading about the topic on which professional essay writers are conducting research. It is to read what others have written about our research topic in their work. We have to identify what has done and is left what is needed to be done.

Oct 01, 2014
Saint Micheal L. Frias NEW
by: Jerry aka Gerardo Vargas

I was not related to Mike, but if I was... WOW!!!! how fabulous that would have been! But, I was blessed to be his friend.... I miss U Mike, thank you for all that U did. ;-)

Jul 23, 2014
Saint Michael Louis Frias NEW
by: Jerry

Are you mike's brother? I think you are. Jerry

Mar 06, 2012
thank you for sharing NEW
by: Ronald Que

Beautiful and tear moving story, may God and Mama Mary be praised for that.

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